Flamers Natural Firelighters 50pk

£7.99 In Stock

These firelighters contain natural wood shavings and are dipped in wax to ensure quick ignition. These are loved by all because they are natural, odourless, easy to light and have a long burn.

How to light your fire:

  • Build a jenga like tower with 6-8 sticks of kiln dried kindling and place a single flamer down the middle

How to light your barbeque

  • Place 1-2 flamers in a bed of charcoal and light. Once burning, add charcoal as required


  • Only one needed to start a fire
  • Multi-purpose: used for starting fires in wood burners, barbeques, stoves, campfires, pizza ovens and firepits
  • Great for camping enthusiasts: they are light to carry, natural, and will light even when wet. If feeling adventurous, these multi-purpose firelighters can easily be lit with flint and steel too

Barcode: 5035390211212

Part Number: 683003